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Contact data

Wouter Van Meel
Broekbosstraat 32
2550 Kontich
+32 473 34 40 04


Are you the owner of a KMO or a business unit manager at a multinational?
Are you active in one of these sectors?

    - Technique
    - IT
    - Logistic
    - Medical

BBS-Consult search with you to solutions for a better commercial or operational performance of your organization.

How are we going to work?
A project usually take between three up to six months. We dotted together the most adapted approach for your company.
In global, you may expect in the next steps:
1. Analyse of your company environment and -goals
2. Presentation of the proposed changes and the required results
3. Implementation period, in cooperation with a responsible person into your organization.
4. Evaluation of the realisations during every phase. There is a weekly meeting, about the steps realised, to the direction committee or to the responsible person.

BBS-Consult takes maximum 1 project at the time. You know also in advanced how long it will take.

Are you mind is open for a critic and constructive view on your commercial and/or operate presentations?

Your questions are welcome. I listen, advise and think with pleasure with you

Wouter Van Meel
For BBS-Consult